الّلهمَّ صلِّ على محمَّد وآل محمَّد وعَجِّلْ فَرَجَهُم

كل يوم عاشوراء وكل ارض كربلاء

Between You and me is an i-ness on which I stumble
So remove, by Your I-ness my i-ness from between us! 
- Hallaj


Sky Camel / Nebeska deva, Bosnisches Institut Zürich, 1986.
Rose Of Darkness / Ruža tmice, Zid, Sarajevo, 1997.
Srebrenica Is A Falling Star, (English) Srebrenica je zvijezda padalica, Author, Sarajevo 2000.
Srebrenica je zvijezda padalica, (Bosnian), Author, Sarajevo 2000.
Upon Gazelle's Schrill Halt / Na krik gazele zastat, Author, 2006. 
Ptica o vratu / Bird on Neck, Author, Prose poetry / Poetry, Sarajevo, 2014.

Diwan / Divan, Fadil-pasha Sherifovic, Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1982.  

Prose poetry:
The Narratives / Kaze, Svjetlost, Sarajevo 1975.
Sarajevo Rose/War Rhymes[i], Author, Sarajevo 2000.
Bird on Neck / Ptica o vratu[new], Author, Prose poetry / Poetry, Sarajevo, 2014.

Prose / Drama:

Citadel of Light / Citadella Svjetla, Drama, Author, Sarajevo 2008.
Seventh Case of Declension, Or A Grama Lesson / Sedmi padež ili pouka iz gramatike, ex-Yu award for TV. experiment,'75
Oscar Wanted / Oscar je želio, Magazine "Život", Sarajevo, 1995
Palace Of Crystal / Dvorac od biljura , ex-Yu award, 1982.
Bohemia Bosniaca, 1996.
I am Kana, 1978. Lost. (Archive of Radio-Beograd?). 


Cathartic Dreams / Katarzični snovi, Grafičar, Tuzla 1991.
Black-Silk Blues / 1988/ shelled 1999.

Owner of the Time / Vlasnik vremena, Svjetlost, Sarajevo 1979.
Together / Skupa, Author, Sarajevo 2009

Philosophy / 'Irfân:
Sweet Smell of Gnosis -´Arfu`l-´irfān / Miomiris gnoze -´Arfu`l-´irfān, Author, 2006. 


Light Instead of Me
, Light Instead Of Me, Lectures on Islamic Gnosis (Mutahharî - Tabâtabâ`î - Homaynî), Translation, notes, essay, Autor, Sarajevo, 2000.
Supplication / Dove, ´Alî Ibn Abî Tâlib, Translation, notes, afterword, essay on Islamic gnosis, Autor, Sarajevo, 1997.
Nota bene:
Wherever the title of a book is written in two languages, it means that the book is written in Bosnian & English language.

Dialectic of Hunger, Dijalektika gladi, Political performance, Marindvor, Sarajevo, September 1986
Multimedial reading of the poem "Srebrenica Is a Falling Star" / Multimedijalno čitanje poeme "Srebrenica je zvijezda padalica", Dom Armije BiH, Sarajevo, 17. 10. 2000
One & The same / Jedna te ista, Kurshumli medresa, Sarajevo, 10.10. 2008
Silken rope / Svilen gajtan[new]


Baudelaire-Bosnian Martyr / Baudelaire-Bosanski šahîd
On the Road to Guantanamo / Na putu za Guantanamo
War Bouqet / Ratni buket
Broken dialogue / Prekinuti dijalog

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