One (mine, and at that time just) 3,5-old kid, with drawing and naming every detail of his "Barking Bobby-dog" (from above: its tongue, its mouth, the barking) taught his big mom what truly makes a being, i.e.
- its articulation!
(Note: The original drawing was destroyed by a grenade in 1992, but was earlier reproduced and saved in his mom's book of essays "The Owner Of The Time".)

One (mine, and at that time just) 3,5-old kid, with drawing and naming every detail of his "Barking Bobby-dog" (from above: its tongue, its mouth, the barking) taught his big mom what truly makes a being, i.e.
- its articulation!
(Note: The original drawing was destroyed by a grenade in 1992, but was earlier reproduced and saved in his mom's book of essays "The Owner Of The Time".)

His mother's will:
Soon after this drawing of a little genie, ex-Yu Communist political & police criminals (heartedly followed by the usurpers of the holy "Islamic revolution" in Iran and worldwide), then by those among relatives, co-citizens, colleagues, fellow-believers... hypocrites and cowards (what equalized them in effect with the previous) killed - by harsh hand, or courts, or prisons, or beatings, or casting out... (or silence, or intrigue, or indifference... or approval) - this innocent kid's soul.
May (my little son) rest in peace, and his killers (all local, followed by those from up) are in eternal fire!
Soon after this drawing of a little genie, ex-Yu Communist political & police criminals (heartedly followed by the usurpers of the holy "Islamic revolution" in Iran and worldwide), then by those among relatives, co-citizens, colleagues, fellow-believers... hypocrites and cowards (what equalized them in effect with the previous) killed - by harsh hand, or courts, or prisons, or beatings, or casting out... (or silence, or intrigue, or indifference... or approval) - this innocent kid's soul.
May (my little son) rest in peace, and his killers (all local, followed by those from up) are in eternal fire!
As for those who even today yearn for "the old, happy (communist) times", may they be associated to the above in the Fire, already blazing in their ever more narrowed chest!
Amen! Amen!
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